Before asking VMware or your vendor for a health check on your VMware enviornemnt you can use the free Healthcheck script as an early start. Actually its a great idea to automate it to send you and update of your enviornment status weekly. Below is a bit more of the VMware Healthcheck script as posted by Ibeerens on the VMware Community forum:
What is VMware HealthCheck Script?
VMware Healthcheck is a Powershell script that reports information like snapshots, VMware tools version, datastore space, CDROM and/or floppy drives connected, VM details etc. to HTML and e-mail the output. This script can be scheduled so that for example you get every week a rapport in your mailbox with the status of the VMware environment.
Reason for creating this script:
As VMware Consultant I see a lot of common problems in VMware environments like:
- Snapshots are enabled and forgot the commit to the VM.
- Datastores are almost full (for example if snapshots are enabled)
- VMware tools versions are different
- CDROM and floppy drives are still mounted to the VM
- Virtual Machines have CPU and Memory limits or reservations (VMs are swapping)
- In the VM, the VMware Tools timesync option is not enabled
In the Virtual Infrastructure Client (VIC) it is difficult to see this sort of information. By creating a Powershell script, I can do a quick inventory. In a lot of VMware environments I created a scheduled tasks, so the script runs once a week and sent to HTML rapport to the administrator.
What does the script:
I wrote a Powershell script with HELP from the VMTN community that makes a HTML file and sent the output by e-mail to a person or distribution list. The Healthcheck script does the following checks:
- VMware ESX hardware
- VMware ESX versions
- VMware VirtualCenter versions
- Active snapshots
- CDROM and Floppy drive(s) mounted to the VM
- Datastore information like capacity, free space and the percentage free space
- VirtualMachine (VM) information like VMware tools version, CPU, Memory reservations and limits etc.
- On what VMs VMware Tools timesync is not enabled
The following software must be installed:
Microsoft Powershell 1.0
VMware Infrastucture (VI) toolkit for Windows 1.0
Set the ExecutionPolicy in Windows Powershell to RemoteSigned by using the following command:
set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Unzip the script to a directory on the VC server for example.
- When the ZIP if unpacked there are two files:
- Healthcheck.ps1, this is the Powershell script
- Style.CSS, controls the HTML layout
- Edit the Powershell.ps1 file
edit the following variables:
Enter the VC server, if you execute the script on the VC server you can use the localhost name
Specify the location where to store the HTML output
Enable (yes) or disable (no) to sent the script by e-mail
$smtpServer = “”
Specify the SMTP server in your network
$mailfrom = “VMware Healtcheck <>”
Specify the from field
$mailto =
Specify the address where the e-mail to sent to
Manually run the Healthcheck.ps1 script”:
1. Open Powershell
2. Browse to the directory where the Healthcheck.ps1 script resides
3. enter the command:
To create a schedule task in for example Windows 2003 use the following syntax in the run property:
Powershell -command “& ‘path\Healthcheck.ps1’
edit the path
Powershell -command “& ‘path\Healthcheck.ps1’
edit the path .
- List Orphaned VMDK’s
- Add performance information like VM usage
- Check timesync on the VMware hosts
Ah not to forget you can download the VMware Healthcheck script at VMware HealthCheck Script