VMware had been working hard lately on executing their vision: “Build, Run, Manage, Connect and Protect Any App on Any Cloud on Any Device.”

If you have spoke to any of my colleagues lately or attended VMworld or any other VMware event, I am sure you have heard it or a slightly modified version of it.
Most of you have gotten with VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC on AWS) by now, as it was the first offering of VMware Cloud on hyperscaler. It is the offering of Native VMware stack on a hyperscaler, where the environment gives you the same features and manageability you have used to on-prem in addition to the integration of the hyperscaler services in an environment where you don’t have to worry about maintenance, upgrade, patching, while enjoying all the new features as new releases hit the market.
The idea had appealed to a large number of customer, where thousands of VMC on AWS hosts were spin up over the past couple of years. Microsoft had followed Amazon AWS suit and started offering Azure VMware Solutions lately. I have a feeling that it will pickup quite quickly as both VMware and Microsoft has a strong presence in the enterprise world.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) had decided to join the race, and they will be offering Google VMware Engine to their customers in the near future. It’s exciting to finally have our VMware stack running on 100% of the top 3 hyperscalers, next to our 4,000+ strong VMware Cloud Providers Partners that have been service our customers for years now. Here is how Google describe their Google VMware Engine:
“The VMware and Google Cloud partnership delivers an open platform to ensure consistent deployment, operations, and security for cloud-native applications across multi-cloud environments.”
I have just seen a great demo of Google Cloud VMware Engine, and I wanted to share it with rest of you below, but couple of things to mention before that:
- The below video is still a tech preview and I believe the service is still limited to very early adopters, but that can change quickly
- I liked the feature where it allows you to elevate your user to superuser and install thirdparty plugins and so on without the need of their support admin to do it.
For now, enjoy the Google VMware Engine tech preview video below!