Author: VMbloggie

  • VMware Fusion is a must for Mac Users

    Boot camp was a great commer to the Mac, but that when it first came. VMware Fusion was a turning point for Mac users. I believe most of Mac users who found out about VMware Fusion has thrown their boot camp away and moved to VMware Fusion. If you still using Boot camp then consider…

  • Watch The Virtually Famous Video Contest Winner- VMware Virtualized Hardware Hotel

    VMware had organized a contest so that the users of their products could demonstrate by means of a video how VMware changed their lives… and the way they work. For all the people with a few years in technology, they know that VMware with no doubt is the most innovating technology of the last decade…

  • Microsoft manages hyper-v & ESX Machines at the same time [is this a fact?]

    Few days ago, Microsoft announced at the Microsot Management Summit 2008 launch of the beta of SCVMM (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008), eagerly awaited in the market. This console management aims to make the shade of VMware VirtualCenter. According to Microsoft, the product is not only capable of handling both the VMs of Virtual…

  • Apple virtualization will allow Mac OS X Server on its machines…

    Parallels Desktop … Apple has for long refused to cover its operating systems in virtualization. But today it seems that it has changed its mind. Indeed, Apple is about to propose a special license with Leopard, which would allow you to install a copy of Mac OS X Server on a machine and then install…

  • VirtualBox: Is it a Necessity or a Gadget?

    In recent days, a small software made its way to the little man in Ubuntu os: it is Virtual Box. Many articles have already been written on this subject and I will not dwell on its installation, or configuration. It is simply a virtual machine software as the famous VMware, except that the Virtual Box…

  • What’s new in VI3.5?

    The VMware team few days back has a very short Webinar on “What’s New in VMware Infrastructure 3.5”. I have missed some of the points, but below are the most important things that have been raised: ESX Server 3.5 & 3i: The 3i server will be next generation to the “normal” ESX a decisive strategic…

  • Install SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP1 & Component Integration for Linux on Hyper-V

    In this article, I am planning to cover how to Install SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 on Hyper-V, but what make it different than other articles that I will try to cover how to install the Hyper-V Component Integration for Linux as well Inject the Xen Hyper-Visor into the SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 which is running…